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Register For A Conference

Before understanding the way to find the right conference for yourself, you must know the types of conferences. This will help you in selecting the right conference based on your work and interest.

Types of conferences

Academic Conferences

Academic conferences held in the field of academics and science. These are official events where researchers are invited to present their work.

Athletic Conference

Athletic conference refers to more of an ambitious grouping of teams mostly across specific geographies.

Authors' Conference

Authors’ conference, also known as the writers’ conference. This is a type of conference where authors meet at a common place to review their work and recommend any scope of improvement.


Convention usually refers to a meeting between companies of a certain area or field where individuals or representatives from various businesses are invited.


Conclave refers to the private meetings that are conducted between people of authority, prestige, and influence.

Product Launches

Large conglomerates conduct grand events for the launch of their products, which are termed as Product Launches. Influential, market experts and leaders are usually invited at the launch of new products. In this way, maximum exposure is attained. Often companies distribute sample packs of the products. These types of events act as a huge advertisement in themselves.

How can we help

Finding the Right Conference can be Tricky

If you prefer personalized assistance or have any specific requirements, you can also reach out to our customer support team on WhatsApp, who will be happy to guide you through the reservation process.

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